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Justin Steward auctioneer


Growing up in the small rural community of Wyoming, Iowa, Justin attended many types of auctions (especially horse and cattle auctions) with his grandfather and father. Growing up on an 80 acre hobby farm, Justin gained experience handling horses and cattle, as well as running many types of machinery. Upon graduating high school and attending college studying Ag Business at Kirkwood Community College, Justin became a custom applicator for Crop Production Services for shy of 10 years.


After many years of saving up and building the courage from kind words of family and friends (Thanks, RIP Drew) Justin attended World Wide College of Auctioneering in Mason City, Iowa. Upon graduating WWCA with a diploma, Justin continued his full time job at CPS while pursuing his auction career.


Finally, May of 2015 came and many opportunities arrived for Justin. Working 4 auctions a week, he finally stepped away from one full time career to take on his dream in the auction industry! Justin has been working as a full time contract auctioneer working two regular auctions a week and working for multiple auction companies in eastern Iowa for the past 12 years!


Since the "CoVid" days, live auctions have dropped in numbers and transitioned over to more online only auctions, Justin has now caught up with the technological world and has now have the access to join the online auction world!


Either you choose live or online only auctions, Justin and Steward Auction Service is here to do their best for you!


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